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It refers to the process where the initial communication, contact number or other information related to the prospective buyer is verified. It helps to improve the quality of the lead. The process requires a validation tool that can return quality scores for the name, address, emails, etc.
People fight about this all the time. Lead generation is the space where sales and marketing overlap. And there’s a lot of tension in this space. Marketing works super hard to generate heaps and loads of leads for sales, and then sales comes back and says, “Ah, but they weren’t quality leads!”
The best organizations qualify their leads to make sure their salespeople spend their time and energy on only the leads that are most likely to turn into customers. We’re constantly revamping our lead qualification process — optimizing it to increase conversion rate by 48%.
You have a product or service. Nobody really knows about it and/or has a high opinion of it.

Demand generation changes that. It brings you attention and gives people a reason to get excited about what you’re selling.

Then, lead generation swoops in and scoops up people who are interested, or gives them obvious opportunities to hop in when they feel so-moved.

Always important to keep in mind what the goal of your marketing effort is. What’s good for demand generation isn’t always good for lead generation — and vice versa. You can drive a ton of traffic to your website, but if nobody’s offering you their email address, you need to work on your lead generation.

Here’s 26 practical demand generation strategies for startups that will have people saying shut up and take my money!

And since the rest of this post is about generating leads (not demand), I’ll just leave these excellent demand generation strategies for ecommerce marketplaces here for you, too.
Lead generation is as essential as the air you breathe, the food you eat, and the decadent craft suds you down. No leads, no customers, no revenue, no business.
After you’ve offered someone something of value (sometimes referred to as a lead magnet) and they’ve given you their interest — let’s say in the form of an email address. Next, you should begin to evaluate how much they’re worth to your company.
There’s no way to know if your lead gen efforts are working unless you measure them. But it’s not as simple as counting email addresses. You have to follow them all the way through the funnel to see where they drop out.

Nobody’s leads convert at 100%. If you have a funnel, it’s got leaks.

Plan your measurement strategies before you throw yourself headlong into a lead generation frenzy.
Stop thinking about campaigns and start thinking engagement! Marketers who continue to build campaigns, and make offers, around products and product features will be perceived as “tone deaf” to the multichannel customer. Customers will engage with marketers who meet their needs – their changing needs – for different information and options during the buying journey. Marketers who continue to “go to customer” with product-centric campaigns and offers risk becoming irrelevant.
The lead generation methods you can use — and how effective they are — depend entirely upon the digital channel you’re using and the audience you’re courting.
B2B lead generation is remarkably like B2C lead generation. Your leads are still people — they just have more than their own interests to consider. As a result, your B2B lead generation strategies will be slightly different.